Metallic Mayhem update v3.5.1 - [Hotfix] Small Adjustments For the Bigger Picture

New Options on the menu and some bug fixes!

Now we have in our menus the option to change the player lives on pve and it even has a perma death mode where everyone has one life and there is no respawning.

We noted we had some situations that would crash/freeze the game, we took a look into those and worked on fixing them. Now you shall notice the game wont crash/freeze and if it does please report to us.

Some bugs were causing our bots not behave properly and they should now be behaving in more natural ways than they were before.

Thank you for you patience. Hopefully these fixes will make the game more enjoyable. If you any recommendations/suggestions we are always happy to hear them in the comments. Until Next Time!

Files 201 MB
Jun 07, 2023

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